
Is An Alignment Needed After Installing New Tires

Speaking of installing new tires, this is a difficult but necessary task. The difficult part is that you have to pay the price for the tire itself, plus installation and balancing, and other fees. The necessary part is that your car needs new tires. But the most common question that many people may ask after buying new tires is that, is it necessary to align them with the wheel aligner after installing new tires?


What is Tire Alignment?

In practical terms, wheel alignment ensures that every wheel points in the same direction and every tire maintains optimal contact with the road. When the car’s tires are aligned, it will drive in a straight line and will not pull to the right or left. Moreover, car wheel aligner can make it easy to steer the vehicle. In addition, correct wheel alignment can prevent any premature or strange tire wear and any potential suspension problems.


Do I Need An Alignment When Purchasing New Tires?

Most mechanics answers that the alignment can not be ignored after installing new tires to extend the life of the tires. It’s strongly recommended for several reasons.

● The wheel alignment system can help the new tires to make correct contact with the road, so as to improve drivability and provide a smooth ride.

● The alignment can help tires perform properly and make the tires last longer.

● When the car’s tires are aligned to meet the original specifications, it will drive in a straight line and will not pull to the right or left. Also, it makes the car steering more flexible when driving.

● Proper alignment can reduce oil consumption because misaligned tires also tend to pull to one side, causing the driver to hold the steering wheel hard to maintain control of the car. Tire resistance caused by misalignment can also cause the vehicle to consume more fuel.


If the tires are not aligned properly to avoid premature damage, the tires may end up and can not guarantee safe driving. Moreover, misalignment of the suspension also puts pressure on the suspension, which can damage the suspension components, leading to expensive vehicle repairs. Additionally, it will make steering difficult if the car is out of alignment, and increase the risk of an accident.



By reading the above, you know the significance of the car alignment after the installation of new tires. But if you don’t know whether is the alignment needed for your existing tires, don’t hesitate to contact us - Roadbuck is a professional 3D car wheel alignment machine supplier in China.

