
4 Steps To Check The Cause Of Vehicles Deviation

About the car tracking and alignment, we will illustrate 4 steps to find out the reason of vehicle’s deviation in this article.

1. Inquiry About The Vehicle's Condition

You should ask about the condition of the vehicle and make a record of the driver’s description of the vehicle’s non-indications. Some of the non-indications caused by the improper positioning angle can be found through the chassis inspection. When necessary, the staff should go drive the car and help understand the condition of the vehicle, and further determine the general area where the defect may exist, and make a rough and accurate judgment on the possible cause of the fault.


2. Check Steering System And Suspension System

The four-wheel positioning alone is not enough to eliminate steering system failures and vehicle tire wear problems, there are other influencing factors, thus the next step is to check the steering system and suspension system checking, so as to thoroughly, quickly, and accurately analyze and judge and grasp the real cause of the failure.


3.Find Out The Reason Of Vehicle's Deviation

If the symptoms described by the driver are consistent with the results of the inspection by the staff, it is the deviation of the vehicle. Firstly, we need to determine whether the deviation is caused by the sideslip before positioning. If it is a tubeless tire swap the left and right wheels of the front wheel, and then test drive. If the wheels are reversed and run in the opposite direction after the reverse, it can be determined that the front wheel sideslip is one of the influencing factors. Then there are two ways to solve this problem:

● Reverse the four wheels until a combination that eliminates the deviation is found

● Remove the tire of any one of the two wheels on the front axle, and then install it after turning it over 180°. In most cases, the deviation caused by the sideslip can be greatly reduced after the tire is turned over. If the effect is not obvious, the driver is recommended to replace it with new tires.

● If the deflection direction of the front left and right wheels do not change after the adjustment, repeat the same operation for the rear left and right wheels. If the direction of deviation remains unchanged after the rear wheel is reversed, it can be determined that the deviation is not caused by sideslip, and the four-wheel alignment measurement must be carried out with a 3d car wheel alignment machine to further find out the cause of the deviation.


4. Detection Steps Of Four Wheel Alignment Detector

With the rapid development of the automobile industry, the development of four-wheel alignment detectors is also obvious. The measurement methods and operation steps of four-wheel alignment devices produced by various manufacturers are not the same. The basics are: enter the positioning software-select four-wheel alignment-select Model and record customer data-measurement data-shunting-save the data.


 G781 wheel alignment machine 3d from Roadbuck wheel alignment system manufacturers

