
What should I pay attention to when buying a four-wheel aligner?

First, the number and use of equipment in the local area

Individual salesmen will exaggerate the market share of the market, and the salesperson will provide the detailed address of the local customer use list when purchasing; so that you can learn more about the use of the equipment and the service of the four wheel aligner manufacturers. The biggest protection for your rights will not be caused by the bad equipment.


Second, the overall strength of the equipment provider

Before the equipment contract is signed, you must understand the overall strength of the manufacturer. This is to prevent some small factories or to close the factory. In order to deal with the inventory as soon as possible, the four-wheel positioning is eager to sell at low prices to win customers. If you buy such equipment, Once the manufacturer has closed down, the equipment you bought back will not be upgraded. If your equipment fails, you can’t find someone to fix it. In this way, the equipment that you bought for tens of thousands of yuan can only be used as a display. It is recommended that you compare the purchases before you buy them. You must not buy them blindly.


Third,Is the vehicle database complete

Whether vehicle data is complete, before you buy the equipment, will affect the usage, such as a car needs to be done positioning, to your shop, could not find the vehicle data, then you how to earn the cost of this position? Or casually commissioning, or directly tell the owners that no model the data. If so then you will definitely lose the owner of your trust, such a several times, the owners need to do wheel alignment next time will not find you. So, your business will be more than ever before. Good wheel alignment must ensure that the vehicle data integrity. This will not because of lack of vehicle data bring you loss and the impact on business.


Fourth, the accuracy of sensor measurement

Many tire shop or repair shop will encounter such a situation: the owners have finished their wheel alignment after positioning than done before more serious problems, Such as: the owner is because cars deviation before doing wheel alignment, but the adjustment is finished, deviation more serious than before; There are many master said, almost always done wheel alignment, the steering wheel is biased. And, what cars are been biased to one side, almost every angle. This is because the sensor data measurement is not accurate, or the locator itself design reasons, such as a customer’s car before doing the wheel alignment actual error value is 5 cm, but the wheel alignment result of measurement is 3 cm or 8 cm, Wheel alignment mechanic does not know there is a measurement error, just according to the data displayed to adjust wheel alignment, adjust the results will certainly be bigger and bigger, or the steering wheel side, so many problems, the owners also have less to do positioning debugging, so wheel alignment measurement data authenticity is very important.


5,How long will the after-sales service go to the scene?

How long can service to the scene to solve the problem, it is also very important, for example, the device is broken, service is not timely, it will affect your business. So before buying equipment, must personally inspected, equipment bought after sales service is timely, above suggestions I hope to help you, select one of the wheel alignment can help you bring economic benefits.
